





8  Bright Futures 12 week programs with 186 Participants. 2 New Venture Creation with 43 participants.

34 New Business starts.

56 participants have got formal jobs.


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Enterprising Ethiopia  with Alchemy World                  Addis Ababa & London                   

The mekele NEWS BLOG


Tell us what's going on in Mekele. We'd love to see any pictures and information about your experiences at the workshops, new businesses and anything else you want to share with everyone. Simply send an email to and your post will appear instantly below. Attach any images to the email that you want to include in the post. 


stOrIES  FROM   mekele


In early 2014 photographer and biographer Jokim Larsen travelled around the areas of Ethiopia we run courses and has been to visit some of our course graduates. Click on the images below to hear their stories and how Alchemy World and Enterprising Ethiopia have helped them with their new businesses. You can see Jokim's excellent photos and other stories by clicking here.