SABISH   Stefanos, 37





"Before my training with Alchemy World I had no idea about business, I failed my businesses. But after learning in Alchemy World failing is not failing by itself."

Enterprising Ethiopia  with Alchemy World                  Addis Ababa & London                   


My name is Sabish, I am 37 years and completed my training with Alchemy World in Summer 2012.


Before my training with Alchemy World I had no idea about business, I failed my businesses. But after learning in Alchemy World failing is not failing by itself. Today, even if I fail I do not stop trying. I have become more visionary; I have learned about entrepreneurship and how to build a profitable business. So I feel strong and confident. I now know how to handle the customers and how to manage them, that honesty, politeness and good manners are important in this relation.


I have also learned that I need to focus in the competition. At the moment I sell sun glasses on the street in Piazza, central Addis and there are many businesses like mine. So the competition is fierce and there are not many ways to differentiate. The only way you can attract your customers is through interaction and good service. Most of the other sellers are lying about the products, but I am honest and tell the truth and the customers appreciate that. It is a medium good business. I can live and pay rent. But it is not enough in the long run. So I am looking for other work. I have had the sun glass business for 1½ years.


My original business plan is to start a poultry farm. I was close to starting it a couple of years ago but the micro finance was afraid to lend me the money. I had no guarantee, no collateral. So for now I am forced to put it on hold. I have however made the business plan and have worked out the business strategy; I want to set up the farm in Agaki near Kality just outside Addis. So Addis will be my market.


To start the farm I need a total of 60.000 birr but I have difficulties raising the money. If I can borrow part of the money I can start. I need to save up a minimum of 20.000; the remaining 40.000 birr I can borrow from a micro finance agency. I want to try again later when I have saved up enough. The food for the animals is expensive but the poultry farm will produce both eggs and meat and this is a profitable business.


My strategy is to start in February, build up the farm and in April I will have my product ready for the big Easter holiday. I am planning to rent a car and to distribute and sell the chickens to private people in condominium areas. After finishing the payback of the loan I will start distributing to supermarkets. I can find the customers. And my plan is to do both the production and the distribution. I have analyzed different price strategies of the competitors and I think I can differentiate by decreasing the price a little. After getting the customers I will be competitive in the market with a fair price through volume.


I want to thank Stephen for his efforts. He has given her different tools and vision for her life.